If the phrases, “Bereft of Life”, “Bleeding Demised”, “Shuffled off its mortal coil” and “Run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible” don’t mean a whole lot to you, then you’ve come to the right place…

Dead Parrot Monty Python

They all, of course, are uttered in one of Monty Python’s most famous sketches of all time, ‘The Dead Parrot Sketch’ and if you still don’t know what i’m talking about, then you should watch this [or if you do and just can’t help yourself again] right away:

John Cleese and Michael Palin deliver one of the most quoted skits of all time, which they famously reprised their roles for in last year’s Reunion show…


For those of you new to Hashtagging games, it is quite simple.

[1] You must be in possession of a Twitterer account and if you’re not it’s free and easy to sign up for at http://www.twitter.com

[2] Compose a funny, clever, misdirectional, silly, abstract tweet that begins with the Hashtag #ThisParrotIsntDeadIts and if there is space then include @AFrikkinHashtag

[3] Watch as the Favourites and Retweets happen [if it was any good]

[4] Click on the #ThisParrotIsntDeadIts tag and read everyone else’s submissions and Favourite the ones you like and Retweet the ones you really like

[5] Download the @HashtagRoundup app to be able to do that all a little more easily

[6] Repeat

It’s really that easy. And fun.

And having retweeted two of the game promo tweets, we are very hopeful that Eric Idle @EricIdle might come and play as well so why not tag him in a tweet and invite him round.

Also, if you have a few more moments to kill, we have a campaign going where we have tried to lure in the rest of the Pythons [except Graham, that would be weird!] so go and read this post and tag one of them in a tweet with the tag #CallingPython

The game starts now and runs officially for the next two hours and then unofficially for as long as it has steam, so invite a bunch of your friends and challenge them to see whose tweet will be the most popular and if you’re really good and lucky and inspired, you might even make it on to the FISH LIST OF PRIZEWORTHYNESS where being just being nominated it its own reward.

What are you waiting for? Fire up that Twitterer and COME AND PLAY! 


So there you have it, the parrot clearly isn’t dead… and so what is it?


[To catch up on the FISH LIST OF PRIZEWORTHYNESS from last week’s #YouHadMeAt, click here]