Archive for November, 2015


i just emailed someone to excuse myself from a creative planning dreaming meeting on Wednesday.

i imagine it is going to be an amazing meeting. i believe i would have gotten a lot out of it and also hopefully been able to put a lot into it.

But i realised on the weekend, that i don’t have the capacity for that meeting Continue reading


So the other day i posted this post about my Grinchiness [or lack thereof] which highlighted that it is not so much Christmas that i don’t like, but how crazy over-the-top consumeristic it is, which in the face of so many people living without in the world, feels pretty horrific.  Continue reading

Another Wednesday, another Hashtag game… although this was not just another hashtag game. It was really interesting how this one played out…


RSA Min of Warts [@Stevens947] played the co-host role and we even had a co-co-host in the incredible Kesha Tedder [@KeshaTedder] who i have an online ongoing “nemesis battle” with, and it was a whole lot of crazy fun. Continue reading


i love this picture of my buddy Rob [who died just over a week ago from cancer] and everything it expresses – carefree, full of life, plus the symbolism of running off into the distance is not lost on me.

But i miss him a lot and it’s only been just over a week. Only? Yeah, something like that. And i think words are my processor so this is really for me, but you’re welcome to eavesdrop, especially if you knew my buddy. Continue reading




but not forgotten.

but gone.

too soon.

not that any other

time would have

felt any more right

but this one

definitely felt

every bit of wrong

i miss you, friend

not forgotten!

[For other of my shorter Micropoem types, click here]

Three weeks ago,  co-host Chris aka @Taliesyne, who with the backdrop of storms trying to flood his house in Australia, helped me to see #YouHadMeAt [and occasionally #YouHadMeat] break the 40 thousand tweet barrier and just go pretty mental…

Two weeks ago, at our last game, it was Kage aka @swissmistress who joined in with the much more specific-flavoured tag of the Monty-Python inspired #ThisParrotIsntDeadIts: Continue reading

Continuing with a read through of this chapter from Ron Sider’s ‘Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger’ starting where we left off:

Possessions are highly dangerous. They lead to a multitude of sins, including idolatry. Western Christians today desperately need to turn away from their covetous civilisation’s grasping materialism.


= = = = =


Possessions are dangerous. But they are not innately evil. Biblical revelation begins with creation. And created things, God said, are very very good (Genesis 1). Continue reading