i have been well inspired by my new friend Original Dante who has an exceptional gift at writing Micropoetry to try put together some of my own.

i have no idea how he manages to fit SO MUCH into so few words which has clearly always been a problem of mine and so maybe tackling some Micropoetry will help me in general to write more using less.

So here goes – these are the Micropoems i have published this year – i hope you will enjoy them:

about turn

closed – people who have to tell you how open-minded they are often aren’t

coffee – the truth behind the addiction

good intentions – does my desire to help you outweigh my present comfort?

hypocoffeecracy – one of my wrestles at the moment

idiots – this one inspired by my wife, tbV

in competence [an ode to Telkom phone assistance operators]

knowing her

phone bank

racist – the words we use betray us

robbed – my best friend lost the battle to cancer this year

stop the noise! – If you have nothing good to say online…

the alchemist – watching a man turn my trash into gold

their pain – when someone else is going through grief and you have no words

triple threat [three poems to different audiences in the wake of #IfIDieInPoliceCustody and Sandy Bland death]

[For other longer poems i have written in 2015, click here]