Another day, another great Pearls before Swine cartoon, and you know I just share the really great ones here.

The most popular strip I have shared so far is one I decided to call ‘Fasting Morons’ which has got the hugest number of popularity hits as people really resonated with it. I suspect this one will not be far behind. Thank you Stephan Pastis for voicing, via Rat, the words many of us have secretly thought, but been too afraid to say [along with ‘Will there be a special spot in the corner for the christians who stuck THOSE bumper stickers on their cars? You know who i mean]:



Stephan Pastis has a new Pearls Before Swine treasury called ‘Rat’s Wars’ which i am totally going to get to add to my PBS collection and you should too. I’m hoping that endorsement will finally push Stephan over the line when it comes to adding a yellow-and-white stuffed dolphin called No_bob [cos he doesn’t bob] into his strip, even as a once off cameo.

[For a different Pearls before Swine strip with one of Pearl’s better puns in recent time check out Pearls before France]

[For a different different Pearls before Swine strip with one of Pearl’s different better puns of late, go to Pearls before Oz]