Taboo Topic: Cancer – Journeying with Aaron [Testicular Cancer] – Part The Cooler Side of Chemo

Continuing to share some of the stories from the archives of Aaron Fullerton to be found in full on his blog, Aaron Laughs With Cancer, and in this one Aaron takes some time during the chemo, to mention some things he is appreciative of during what is a tough and scary journey:

Aaron Fullerton pic


I’m typing with my left hand because my right is hooked up to an IV that’s pumping me full of supercool chemical solutions. So far, chemo has simply been drinking through Krazy Straws through my arm, but I know I’m at the beginning of this crazy ride and it’s easy to feel like the safety bar is still in the locked position. That bar may come loose and this coaster may get rickety, but I know it pulls into the station at the end.

When things get rickety, though, I may need to remind myself that, besides CURING MY BODY OF CANCER, chemo has some sweet benefits. I’ve compiled a definitive list, both for my future-self and those who may worry about me.

First, there’s the snacks. Fun size candy bars? I’m tossing ‘em back like shots. Soft cheeses? More like yes-pleases. (Wow, sorry.) I’m munching on trail mixes you’ve never even heard of. These are not just oncologist-approved, but oncologist-encouraged. Kindergarten me would be so jealous.

I’m also a book nut, although that’s waned in recent years. But now I’m getting an opportunity to dive back into the stacks on my shelf. I’ve lined up a mix of fiction and non-fiction to attack over the next twelve weeks and I can’t wait. Creatively, nothing inspires me more than great writing. Bossypants, Fault in our Stars, Gone Girl… you’re finally gettin’ read!

It’s also given me hours to delve deep into writing; at Graceland, we’re currently breaking story on the episode I’ll write. This quiet, focused time in the morning has allowed me to let my synapses crackle with ideas about our wonderful characters and storylines. I began this dream job in August and chemo, of all things, has strengthened my passions about it even more deeply.

Control can also be an, um, issue for me. For example, I have strict rules about which foods should go on which shelves in my fridge. (Juice on top! Hummus in the middle! That’s just food logic!!) Chemo is reminding me, though, how helpless I am sometimes… and that there’s actually a lot of freedom in that. I just sit back and let fluids work their miracles. It’s refreshingly peaceful to not be able to do more.

Last and most importantly, there’s the people. The nurses, the doctors, and the little old lady next to me carrying a dog named Cinderella – remember, I’m in LA – have all been warm, open-hearted, and good-humored. Everyone online, too: you guys add so much to the chorus of encouragement everyday that it sounds like a down-home gospel choir. (I’m so glad they let me tweet during chemo.) And Sarah, who’s beside me everyday, committed to this adventure with her whole heart. Her laughs undo any pain from the needles, her concerns cut through my bravado, her presence is a joy. Plus, she’s the one who brings the snacks.

I may get mad at chemo later. I’ll yell at it resentfully, like Dana Brody after spilled milk. So you guys will have to forward me this link. Remind me of my good luck. Just don’t mention that, without my right hand, this took me five hours to type.

[For the next part which looks at encouragements, challenges and insights, click here]

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