continuing the easy access of the psalms – here are the next group of psalms i have walked or am walking through – the idea was always to grab a thought or two from each psalm and comment and hope that others would jump in and do the same so please feel free to add your comments on any of the psalms i have looked at so far – be great to get your thoughts, insights and observations…

psalm 36

psalm 37

psalm 38

psalm 39

psalm 40

psalm 41

psalm 42

psalm 43

psalm 44

psalm 45

psalm 46

psalm 47

psalm 48

psalm 49

psalm 50

psalm 51

psalm 52

psalm 53

psalm 54

psalm 55

psalm 56

psalm 57

psalm 58

psalm 59

psalm 60

psalm 61

psalm 62

psalm 63

psalm 64

psalm 65

psalm 66

psalm 67

psalm 68

psalm 69

psalm 70

psalm 71

psalm 72

to head back to the beginning and the first 35 psalms go here.