so my new ‘The Weekly Mash [and Peace!]’ blog is still in its early days but it’s been encouraging to see new people subscribing almost daily – as it is still quite new though not a lot of people are visiting each of these posts and there have been some amazing things there, so if you are someone who reads stuff on Irresistibly Fish [my main blog] all the time, then i encourage you to at the very least pick one of the five days here below that sounds the most interesting and check it out cos there was some good stuff in the week that was:

Monday saw a very interesting advertising campaign from K-Mart with the tagline of “You’ll Ship Your Pants” 

On Tuesday, in the aftermath of the bombing that took place towards the end of the Boston marathon it was a look at context and condolences from across the world.

Wednesday saw a very interesting social experiment take place that involved strangers sitting in boxes of plastic balls answering interesting questions.

Thursday was a look at the fact that everyone [even the atheists, scientists among us] embraces faith in one way or another via an excellent excerpt from a book called “The Awakening of Hope” by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Friday saw a very important reflection on the need to slow down and step away from the busyness regularly, or at least sometimes.

…and you can ignore this link cos it’s really just connecting you to a site that shows you how to knit a sweater for a ferret. no, seriously, i warn you…

[for last Saturday’s Round Up of Geeks, lady mirrors and wild animal eating habits, click here]